Friday, February 17, 2012

Database Login fails


I can logon to my Sql server using the SSMS management tool, I am using Windows Authentication to logon to SSMS. Create a database OK, with all the necessary tables.

However when I start a VB Express app and try to connect to this database I get an error that login filed for user AMD\Larry, AMD is my PC name and my login (Larry) is the computer Administrator logon. The PC is a standalone ie not part of a domain etc.

Can anyone help?



Hi Larry,

to solve you problem: in SSMS, connect to your database, go to Security, Logins, New Login, Add new login as AMD\Larry and give it right to access your database.

good luck


|||Are you also using integrated Authentication in VB Express. Make sure that you don′t really *type* in the user as this will be recognized as a SQL Server login. Integrated login is done in the background and don′t have be typed in somewhere (I also mention that becasue many people are always confused about that)

HTH, Jens Suessmeyer.

|||Thanks for these I wil try them and get back.

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